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Reframe Your Thoughts to Change Your World

By Esther | January 12th 2021 | Life and Purpose, Self-Care, Wellness and Recovery

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” -Romans 12:2

You know when you look at a picture, of yourself or with your loved ones, and you begin to think that it looks kind of plain and boring to put on the wall? But then you found a great frame and thought you could try to change the frame. And when you did, it fit so well, and the picture looked beautiful and perfect.

That is how we should be with our thoughts in life. We sometimes need to reframe how we see things and the limiting beliefs that we have about something, someone, or even ourselves.

Reframe Your Thoughts and You Will Change the World

When we reframe our thoughts, we begin to look at our situations differently. It can change everything that goes on and happens in our life.

Reframing your thoughts is important to how you look at a situation and move forward. It makes the difference between failing and learning. When you reframe your thoughts, you change the way you see things, the way you react to things, and the way you do things.

And when we do change our perspective, the change trickles down to our actions and reactions, and to how things then unfold. Everything else then follows in the direction of that change. When you reframe your thoughts, you give yourself the power to change your world.

You Control Your Thoughts

Sometimes, life may not go the way we planned or the way we want it to go. It may not go in the same direction as you. But don’t let those things discourage you and second-guess yourself. Don’t let situations and circumstances dictate how you will live your life.

You may not be in control of the situations in your life, but the one thing that you have control of is yourself. You are in control of your thoughts. You are in control of your perspective and your reactions. Renew your mind and reframe your thoughts so you can be in control of your transformation.

When things require you to stop and stand still, it can only mean that you need to take the time to look inside and look into your situation to see how it can help you transform and be a better you.

Things are Just Things Until We Turn Them into Something More

God is good. Everything He allows to happen has a purpose. He gives us a rare gift of time. Time to stay at home until we are better. Time to reset and refocus on what’s important to us. Time to bask in all the things that God has graciously given.

You are given the time to get back in control of you. All the things going on outside of you are just things. It is only your thoughts about those things that make them good or bad, upsetting, or joyful.

Work on staying focused on the joyful.

What is the one thing that you do to take control of your thoughts?

How do you reframe your thoughts so you can shift things in a better direction?

Three Things to Do to Reframe Your Thoughts

Here are three things that you need to do to begin reframing your thoughts:

1. Be aware of and acknowledge the situation so you can take action

Knowing empowers you to take action. Knowing leads to acknowledgment and results in doing what you can do to change your outcome. When you know you are stuck or in a situation, you are able to reframe your thoughts and how you see a situation so you can act on it and not let it stop you.

Are you allowing your thoughts to stop you?

2. Change your perspective to change your thoughts

Look at your situation and see what you need to change so you can reframe your thoughts. Understand what the situation could mean for you. Find what is good about the situation you are in.

What could your situation mean for you?

3. Feed your soul to feed your mind

Find the good in your situation and take action. Understand what is the next thing that you could do to keep moving forward. If you cannot see an action that you can take, then pray. Praying allows you to see things in God’s eyes and fill you up with peace and positivity.

What do you feed your soul with?

Things Change When You Change

When you change the way you see things, the impossible becomes possible. When you begin to change what you speak as you change your thought patterns, the situation will also change. But the change will not begin to happen until you begin to change how you see it and understand that there is a better way to deal with it.

We all have a choice. That is one of the beautiful things that God has given us. A lot of us often forget that we have the power to choose. The power to choose how a situation can affect us. The power to choose how the world will influence us. The power to choose what we allow into our lives. The power to choose how our life is run.

Don’t stop living just because we get caught up or stuck in a situation. Be wise. Sometimes, all it really needs is a change in perspective, to reframe your thoughts. Find the good in the situation and focus on the joy. Things will change for the better when you do.

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



Life and Purpose

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Self-Care Series

Wellness and Recovery

Woman Empowerment

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