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Break Through Your Personal Glass Ceiling and Live an Abundant Life

By Esther | December 18th 2020 | Life and Purpose, Wellness and Recovery

People often think that only those who have gone through really painful experiences and huge changes need to find healing and purpose. But all of us were created for a reason. All of us were created for more. No matter where you are in life, you have to learn to break through your personal glass ceiling and live an abundant life.

Each and every one of us goes through some personal growth and development at one point or another. As human as we are, we do make mistakes and we often stumble along the way. A lot of times, we get to the crossroads and get confused about where our lives should really be heading.

Go on A Personal Growth Journey

Work on your personal development and personal growth journey at whatever level you may be. You will find yourself beginning to shift, getting unstuck, and having things happen in your career and your life.

A friend of mine, Dr. Vernita Glenn-White, shared that as a Professor people most of the time cannot believe that she needed to shift herself. It may seem like somebody’s life is amazing, but a lot of times they are hiding so many deep hurts inside. And some don’t even know why they feel like something is missing in their life, but they do.

For a shift to occur, some people go through defining moments. Others experience change even before they realize that they needed it. And some just decide that a change was needed.

Take a moment to really sit and think. Dive deep inside you and you will see why you need the change you needed. Sometimes, you may realize a feeling of being broken down, a feeling of missing something, or knowing that there is something more.

Success is Not Purposeful Living

Being successful in your career and having all the things that people could only dream of does not mean that you won’t feel unfulfilled or lacking. Success and things do not make a person happy. And it does not make people walk in purpose.

You can be doing all the good deeds and following what the scripture says. You can be listening to all the great worship music, meditate, pray, and serve. But none of this will make any difference unless you start cleaning up your mess and going over your hurts.

No matter how committed you are to God and to the people you serve, you will still have to work on some things. You will still feel like something is missing. Because faith without works is dead.

Change Your Environment and Choose Your Tools

Sometimes you have to change your environment so you can hear what it is that you need to hear inside you. You have to get to a place where you are ready to receive. There are times when your ego gets in the way. But you just have to find the right tools that will help you understand what you need.

God has given us the tools to go through life abundantly. We have everything that we need to shift. All the tools that we need can be found all around us. God gives us the tools that will help us live the life that He has created for us to live.
But having the tools is not enough. You also need to be in action. You need to determine what tool you need and use it to make that change that you needed. How do you find the things that you need and that is missing in your life?

Discover what tool works best for you and use it to find out what is missing in your life. it can be meditation, scripture-reading, going to therapy, getting coached, or mentored. It can be anything.

What’s important is you get into a state of stillness and mindfulness so that you can start uncovering things. Go deeper into you and know that God lives in you. And when you are able to access the tools that God has given you, you can walk through it better all the way.

Do the Work and Take Responsibility

As you work through your personal development, you will keep hitting stumbling blocks. You may get to a point where you can see in your head what your life is going to be. You may know what you are supposed to do. But then you will still find yourself far from getting there. And this is because you haven’t really done the work. You were merely playing around with what you can do.

Look to your past and see why you are attracting that kind of atmosphere. We are all energy. Whatever is coming to us it is because we are attracting it. We need to take responsibility for it.

People and situations are just that until you start giving them power over you with your reactions. Stop blaming other people for the hurts that you are experiencing. Never permit anyone to cause you pain. You don’t control how others treat you, but you control your response and how you let them affect you.

If you see a vision in your life and you are not quite there yet, that can only mean that the one thing stopping you from achieving it is you.

Are you taking responsibility for what’s happening in your life?

Break Through Your Personal Glass Ceiling

There is a level in our life that we have not reached yet. And it is different from the vision that you have for your life that you are striving towards. It is not the 10-year plan or the career and life goals that you are trying to implement.

You may have already achieved all of them, but you will still feel something is missing. This is no longer about success in the way that society perceives it to be. This is about being at a certain place because you have already done everything right. This is the personal glass ceiling that you need to breakthrough.

A lot of people, especially over-achievers, like to fake the funk. They do everything right and like to knock down obstacles but at the end of the day they go home, and they feel empty and amiss. If you are like this, no matter what you do you will never be able to find what you are looking for. You will never find what’s missing in your life because you are not being honest with yourself.

It is important to have a coach. Going to a retreat is essential. But if you keep faking the funk, they will not be able to help you. Confront everything that you have been hiding from. You have to face yourself so you will be transformed. You will then be able to understand yourself which then helps you to understand others.

Live an Abundant Life and Walk In Your Purpose

Whoever you may be and whatever it is that you are doing, deal with that something on the side where you haven’t been showing up 100%. If you deal with that little thing tucked in the corner, your success will go to another level.

You have to do the work and you have to be committed enough to invest in yourself. Don’t be ashamed if you want more or if you want a certain type of life. God created us to have an abundant life that we can work on. Living an abundant life doesn’t make you greedy or bad. It helps you use your gifts and walk in your purpose serving others.

When you work on your trauma or your hurts, you will be able to see all your possibilities. There is a wealth of possibilities out there that you can have. You only have to get comfortable with you not dimming your own light.

If you want to work on your transformation and happiness so you can walk in your purpose, I encourage you to join us on the Festa Della Donna Celebrate You Retreat 2021. Experience personal growth, a ton of breakthroughs, and a life-changing transformation of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself so you can find your true purpose and your true power.
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I'm a spiritual and life coach that is on a mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.



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