It’s Time to Transform Your Life and Discover Your Purpose!

Yes, we hear you.

We know that life can be confusing and that it is difficult to find your way sometimes. We know you want to be more and do more, but when struggling through life and juggling priorities, sometimes we forget about ourselves and think that we need to put everybody else first. 

But you deserve more.

That’s why I put together this e-book so you can finally begin your journey to discovering your purpose and transforming your life.

Yes, we hear you.

We know that life can be confusing and that it is difficult to find your way sometimes. We know you want to be more and do more, but when struggling through life and juggling priorities, sometimes we forget about ourselves and think that we need to put everybody else first. 

But you deserve more.

That’s why I put together this book so you can finally begin your journey to discovering your purpose and transforming your life.

I am very excited to share with you that my book is out and I want you to be the first to have it! 

In my book, Why? Stepping Into Purpose, you will learn from my experiences on how to begin your road to ultimate purpose and happiness. 
It has been my mission to change the world by helping people rise to their full potential, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. 

I want to help people focus on their purpose, reach their goals, see their worth, and live by design to fulfill their destiny and wholeheartedly celebrate themselves. 

I want to empower women and teens, and help them overcome their struggles and challenges to gain confidence, strength, and grace.


A great writer and a dear friend of mine once said in her book, “When you stop searching and discover who you are, it’s extremely powerful.” ️

Congrats again my friend: my lil Sis. This book blessed me and served as a confirmation for me in many ways ️. In between seeing clients & students around the clock, amidst the COvid-19, I have been intentional in “discovering” more and more and more and who & what God had in mind when He made me. It was always there. I was there and the many ways That I am gifted and extraordinary were there too. ️

Wonderful book; excellent delivery. Artistic, practical, visual, a good read, transparent, brilliant; unrelenting, confirmed.
Dr. Robin Moore
Reading Why? Stepping into Your Purpose felt like an extended big hug that reassures who you are and what you are capable of. I plan to read it again with my journal in hand. I didn’t want to put it down!!! I believe it’s a powerful blend of practical wisdom, entertaining examples, and spiritual empowerment for so many facets of life. 

By the end, I had greater hope and better tools for tomorrow. It’s truly a gem that encourages self-reflection and action. The author’s relatable personal journey sets a blueprint for purposeful movement in the direction of your destiny. A must read, must reflect upon, and must share kind of book. You’ll want to get one and gift one!
Sonya McCray,
Professor, Delaware State University
Esther , thank you, thank you , thank you!!! Your book has really blessed me. There are so many areas that you covered , that I could apply to my life.

I was particularly touched by your account of your position that you know God placed you. Thank you my dear friend
Ann McKinney
Esther Graham is a beautiful soul who generously shares her wisdom and life lessons in this book, “Why? Stepping Into Purpose.”

Implementing her “Power 30” method into my daily routine has helped to shift my mindset and start my day in a more calm, peaceful, and loving way.

Thank you Esther!
Jennifer Bichanich

Most of us struggle through our lives trying to find out our purpose and how we fit in this world. A lot of us live our lives according to someone else’s vision and rules. But how do we get out of that sinkhole and into finally walking our purpose and doing what we are called to do? 

Get the most powerful book on
Discovering Your Purpose
and living it for only $19.99!
  • Learn how to live by DESIGN and not by DEFAULT so you can discover your PURPOSE.
  • Learn how to fulfill your PURPOSE at your current stage so you can rise to your DESTINY.
  • Find out when to stop SEARCHING and start DISCOVERING so you can figure out who you were created to be.
  • ​Realize the different SEASONS OF PURPOSE and step out on faith and action to walk down your path to fulfillment.
  • ​Learn the two things that you need to fulfill your purpose and walk in your “divine” calling.
  • ​Learn how to overcome your “obstacles” and get the right attitude to change your altitude that will help you achieve your goals.
  • ​Learn how to walk out your days of PURPOSEFUL LIVING so you discover your greatness.
  • ​Learn the steps in fulfilling your TRUE PURPOSE to live a “whole” and fulfilling life.
But, I don’t want to end there...
I want you to start your road to purposeful living straight away!
When you buy my book you will also receive a digital copy of the book for you to begin reading the very day you make your purchase. And what’s more, you will also get your book personally signed by me together with an awesome custom bookmark in your mail so you can always keep yourself motivated and be reminded of your purpose to live by design.
So you get a signed copy of my book, an e-book that can help you begin your journey to transforming your life right away, and a great custom bookmark, all for the price of $19.99!
How awesome is that? 
I’m super thrilled that you found this book and I hope you enjoy it as it helps you in your journey to finding your purpose! 

Festa Della Donna   |   Copyright 2020  |  All Rights Reserved.